


package geometry

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. geometry
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Affine(r: Drawable, affine: AffineTransform) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Apply an affine transformation to the passed in Drawable.

  2. final case class AffineTransform(scaleX: Double = 1, shearX: Double = 0, shearY: Double = 0, scaleY: Double = 1, shiftX: Double = 0, shiftY: Double = 0) extends Product with Serializable
  3. final case class BorderRect(width: Double, height: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A rectangle whose outline may be colored.

    A rectangle whose outline may be colored.


    the width of the rectangle


    the height of the rectangle

  4. final case class Disc(radius: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A filled disc.

    A filled disc.


    Like all Drawables, Discs are positioned from their upper left corner. Call Disc.centered to create a Disc that can be positioned from its vertex.

  5. sealed trait Drawable extends AnyRef

    All Drawable objects define a draw method that draws to a 2D canvas, and a bounding box (Extent).

    All Drawable objects define a draw method that draws to a 2D canvas, and a bounding box (Extent). The bounding box must not change.

  6. final case class EmptyDrawable() extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A drawable that displays nothing when drawn.

  7. case class EmptyEvent() extends InteractionEvent with Product with Serializable
  8. case class Extent(width: Double, height: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    Extent defines an object's rectangular bounding box.

    Extent defines an object's rectangular bounding box. As discussed in "Monoids: Theme and Variations" by Yorgey, rectangular bounding boxes don't play well with rotation. We'll eventually need something fancier like the convex hull.


    bounding box width


    bounding box height

  9. sealed trait Gradient2d extends AnyRef
  10. final case class GradientFill(r: Drawable, fill: Gradient2d) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Apply a gradient fill to a fillable Drawable.

  11. case class GradientStop(offset: Double, color: Color) extends Product with Serializable
  12. final case class Graphics2DRenderContext(graphics: Graphics2D) extends RenderContext with Graphics2DSupport with Product with Serializable

    A RenderContext for java.awt.Graphics2D

    A RenderContext for java.awt.Graphics2D


    the Graphics2D instance to render to.

  13. case class Grid(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, rs: Seq[Drawable], bottomPadding: Double = 0, rightPadding: Double = 0) extends Product with Serializable
  14. final case class Group(items: Seq[Drawable]) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Combined a sequence of Drawables into a single Drawable.

  15. case class IEInfo(innerLocation: Point, clientLocation: Point) extends Product with Serializable
  16. final case class Interaction(r: Drawable, interactionEvent: InteractionEvent*) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Apply a fill color to a fillable Drawable.

  17. sealed trait InteractionEvent extends AnyRef
  18. final case class Line(length: Double, strokeWidth: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A horizontal line.

    A horizontal line.


    the length of the line


    the thickness of the line

  19. final case class LineDash(r: Drawable, style: LineStyle) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Apply a line dash to a Drawable.

    Apply a line dash to a Drawable.


    The drawable to apply the style to.


    The LineStyle to apply.

  20. final case class LineStyle(dashPattern: Seq[Double] = Seq.empty[Double], offset: Double = 0.0) extends Product with Serializable

    The stroke pattern of a line.

    The stroke pattern of a line.


    A sequence containing distances between the solid portions of the line and the invisible portions. A single value will result in equal-sized opaque segments and gaps. An empty list uses a solid line. All values must be positive.


    The "phase" of the dash pattern.

  21. case class LinearGradient(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, stops: Seq[GradientStop]) extends Gradient2d with Product with Serializable
  22. case class OnClick(e: (IEInfo) ⇒ Unit) extends InteractionEvent with Product with Serializable
  23. case class OnHover(e: (IEInfo) ⇒ Unit) extends InteractionEvent with Product with Serializable
  24. final case class Path(points: Seq[Point], strokeWidth: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A path with a strokable outline.

    A path with a strokable outline.


    The points in the path. The path will be drawn in the same order as the provided sequence.


    The thickness of the line.

  25. implicit class Placeable extends AnyRef
  26. final case class Polygon(boundary: Seq[Point]) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A filled polygon.

    A filled polygon.


    the points on the boundary of the polygon.

  27. case class RadialGradient(x0: Double, y0: Double, r0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, stops: Seq[GradientStop]) extends Gradient2d with Product with Serializable
  28. final case class Rect(width: Double, height: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A filled rectangle.

    A filled rectangle.


    the width of the rectangle


    the height of the rectangle

  29. trait RenderContext extends AnyRef
  30. final case class Resize(r: Drawable, extent: Extent) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Change the size of the bounding box of a Drawable without changing the contents.

  31. final case class Rotate(r: Drawable, degrees: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Rotate the passed in Drawable.

  32. final case class Scale(r: Drawable, x: Double = 1, y: Double = 1) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Scale the passed in Drawable.

  33. implicit class SeqPlaceable extends AnyRef
  34. final case class StrokeStyle(r: Drawable, fill: Color) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Apply a border color to a strokable Drawable.

  35. final case class StrokeWeight(r: Drawable, weight: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Adjust the thickness of the border on a strokeable Drawable.

  36. final case class Style(r: Drawable, fill: Color) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Apply a fill color to a fillable Drawable.

  37. final case class Text(msg: String, size: Double = Text.defaultSize, fontFace: String = Text.defaultFontFace, extentOpt: Option[Extent] = None) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Some text.

    Some text.


    the string to render.


    the font size of the text.

  38. trait TextMetricsInterface extends AnyRef
  39. final case class Translate(r: Drawable, x: Double = 0, y: Double = 0) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    Translate the passed in Drawable.

  40. final case class Wedge(degrees: Double, radius: Double) extends Drawable with Product with Serializable

    A piece of a circle.

Value Members

  1. def above(top: Drawable, bottom: Drawable): Drawable
  2. def beside(left: Drawable, right: Drawable): Drawable
  3. def distributeH(drawables: Seq[Drawable], spacing: Double = 0): Drawable
  4. def distributeV(drawables: Seq[Drawable], spacing: Double = 0): Drawable
  5. def fit(item: Drawable, extent: Extent): Drawable
  6. def fit(item: Drawable, width: Double, height: Double): Drawable
  7. def flowH(drawables: Seq[Drawable], hasWidth: Extent): Drawable
  8. def pad(item: Drawable, left: Double = 0, right: Double = 0, top: Double = 0, bottom: Double = 0): Drawable
  9. def padAll(item: Drawable, size: Double): Drawable
  10. object Affine extends Serializable
  11. object AffineTransform extends Serializable
  12. object Align
  13. object BorderRect extends Serializable
  14. object Clipping
  15. object Disc extends Serializable
  16. object Drawable
  17. object EmptyDrawable extends Serializable
  18. object Extent extends Serializable
  19. object Gradient2d
  20. object GradientFill extends Serializable
  21. object GradientStop extends Serializable
  22. object Graphics2DRenderContext extends Serializable
  23. object Group extends Serializable
  24. object Interaction extends Serializable
  25. object InteractionEvent
  26. object Line extends Serializable
  27. object LineDash extends Serializable
  28. object LineStyle extends Serializable
  29. object LinearGradient extends Serializable
  30. object MultilineText
  31. object Path extends Serializable
  32. object Polygon extends Serializable
  33. object RadialGradient extends Serializable
  34. object Rect extends Serializable
  35. object Resize extends Serializable
  36. object Rotate extends Serializable
  37. object Scale extends Serializable
  38. object StrokeStyle extends Serializable
  39. object StrokeWeight extends Serializable
  40. object Style extends Serializable
  41. object Text extends Serializable
  42. object TextMetrics extends TextMetricsInterface
  43. object Translate extends Serializable
  44. object Wedge extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
